1. Do I need to prepare myself for floating?

Not really, however… Avoiding caffeine and alcohol for a day before you float might help you relax and have a better experience. If you shave you might want to postpone shaving if you can. Shaving 2-3 hours before using the tank may make the skin that has been shaved sting or burn fairly intensely for a short time. We supply you with everything that you need including shampoo, conditioner, soap, body lotion, ear plugs and towels for the shower before and after your float. If you feel more comfortable with your own items, please feel free to bring those. You may want to bring a change of clothes. If you wear contact lenses you may want to remove them as it might be a problem if salt water gets into your eyes. Please remember to bring something to store them in while you float.

2. How long do people usually stay in the Float Tank?

Normal sessions are an hour… or an hour-and-a-half, but you can leave whenever you want. Longer sessions up to 3 hours at a time are popular with regular floaters.

3. Are there any know side effects to floating?


4. What do I do while I float?

You don’t have to “do” anything. Floating is usually a passive experience, so the less you “do” the deeper you will relax. Usually within ten to twenty minutes you are on the edge of sleep, in a dreamy but conscious state where time doesn’t seem to exist. However, if you want you can use your time to “actively” direct the experience in the tank.. For example: prepare for an important meeting, exam or presentation by going through it in your head. You can take this one step further, by running audio training programs in the tank.

Suitable subjects include visualization or meditation exercises, hypnotherapy, academic or technical information, language tapes, motivational programs ranging from weight-reduction through to executive decision-making skills and in particular sports training programs. While this has its obvious benefits, it does seem as though when you deprive yourself of any stimulation , is when the more “unique” experiences happen.

5. What will it be like for me?

We don’t know what it will be like for you since it is such an individual experience. The most common reports are profound calmness and relaxation, deep concentration and creativity. We like to avoid saying too much before people use the tank, so that they aren’t influenced by what someone else says. Some people have a harder time relaxing than others. Don’t expect to relax fully right away. Some people get stressed because they think they are taking too long to relax. It takes at LEAST 20 minutes for ALL of your muscles to relax simultaneously. The experience feels more familiar so you relax much quicker on subsequent floats. Most people need three float sessions within a month before they can really let go.

6. Is there a right way to float?

No. Each person should find whatever position is comfortable for him or herself. Some people float with their hands at their sides, some with their hands folded across their chest or abdomen, or behind their heads. The neck & shoulders are usually the most difficult to relax. Try your arms in the up position, stretched straight above your head, if you are not too tall. You can float with your head at either end of the tank but beware, the end with the door sometimes gets condensation and could drip on your face. The top of the tank has heating elements to prevent this.

7. Do people get scared or claustrophobic in the float tank?

Not usually. When you float you are in complete control. We do have a dim pool light that can be turned on from inside the tank if you feel it necessary. You can enter or exit whenever you want. The door has no latches, is very light weight and can be pushed open with just a finger or two. In fact, you don’t NEED to close the door if you don’t want to. However, if you leave it open the temperature in the tank will not remain constant and you might feel chilly. It ruins the feeling of the air, the water and your body becoming “one”. It can really take away from the experience ..so..try it closed. If you can’t handle it and get out in the first 15-20 min. we won’t charge you.

8. Do you wear anything in the float tank?

Most people don’t wear anything. Anything you wear will get very heavy with the salt solution and press against your body, becoming a distraction. The room is very private and you step right into the shower from the tank.

9. Do people sleep in the float tank?

Yes, some people fall asleep in the tank, and some people use the tank for sleeping. They usually report a very restful rejuvenating sleep. Because of the high density of the water, sleeping in the tank is very safe. There is no way you could roll over, and even if you did, the salty water in your mouth, nose and eyes would wake you up immediately. Many times even if you don’t actually fall asleep you get to a point that is so relaxed you loose track of time and space and aren’t even sure if you fell asleep or not. If you don’t want to fall asleep in the tank, do your best to come as well rested as you can.

10. What effect does the Epsom salt water have on my skin and hair?

The Epsom salt solution has many beneficial properties to the skin. We have no information on the effects of salt on hair. You thoroughly wash and rinse the salt from your hair and body when you leave the tank. We have not found a good way to keep hair dry while floating.

11. Should I eat before I go into the float tank?

You may eat. If you eat a very heavy meal you may spend a lot of time listening to your digestive juices. On the other hand, you may not want to spend your time in the tank feeling very hungry and listening to your stomach growl. Eat lightly if you eat immediately before going into the tank. If your hair has been treated to keratin, use a bathing cap for floating.

12. I’ve never been able to float. I sink. Will I be able to float in the tank?

Yes. Even those “swimmers” that sink like a rock will float in the tank. It is impossible not to float in the tank. The tank solution is ten times more buoyant than seawater. Eight hundred pounds of salt dissolved in the water make the solution so much denser than your body that your body is pushed to the surface like a cork. It is designed to support your body fully and evenly, giving you that pleasurable, liberating feeling of weightlessness. Your face is completely out of the water from the ear line up. Your ears will be under the water so earplugs are recommended.

13. Is there a best time to use the float tank?

This is a matter of individual preference. Some people prefer floating in the morning. Some prefer floating at night or in the afternoon.

14. Is it true that float tanks are more hygienic than spas, jacuzzis, or swimming pools?

YES. Four things make the float so hygienic. The first is the high concentration of the Epsom salt that kills viruses and bacteria. The second reason is that the water in the float tank is completely filtered and sanitized after every float session. The third reason is that chlorine is used just like in public pools and jacuzzi and the Fourth reason is that there is an Ultra Violet purification system hooked up to the filtering system. This is one of the best ways to purify the water before the next floater enters the tank.

15. Can two people float in the float tank at the same time?


16. Will I be able to resume my daily activities when I get out?

Yes. If you are new to floating it may be a good idea to keep your schedule somewhat open for a short period following the float so you can savior the experience for a while. It is always nice to take time to slowly ease yourself back into a hectic schedule. DRINKING A LOT OF WATER AFTERWARDS WILL HELP TO MAKE THE MOST OF THE DE-STRESS/DETOX PROCESS AFTER THE FLOAT.

17. Is there anyone who should not float?

We suggest that people with schizophrenia, or epileptics whose epilepsy is not under medical control not float, also those with suicidal tendencies. If you have a kidney condition, acute skin disorder, diabetes or are pregnant we suggest that you ask your doctors advice about soaking in the Epsom salts. If you have any reason to think it may not be good for you, check with your doctor first.

18. Can people use drugs or alcohol in the float tank?

Absolutely NOT! We do not allow people who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol to use the float tank under any circumstances.

19. Can floating really improve my life?

The benefits of floating are natural, long-term and cumulative. Every time you float, you re-enforce the health benefits of the Relaxation Response. In the tank, your body “learns” what true relaxation feels like…a skill it will never “forget”.

20. Is there any proof that floatation actually works?

The effects of floating have been scientifically researched and documented since the first tank was built as a research tool – over forty ears ago. There are over one hundred universities and medical research facilities, several dozen sports science units, and at least two national sports institutes working with floatation REST.

21. Will floating do anything for my love-life?

Michael Hutchison in his excellent (and unbiased) “Book of Floating” mentions that an improved love-life is a widely reported bonus of regular floating. Certainly, many sexual problems are related to mental stress and physical tension.. Getting your mind off of the problems of the day sure can’t hurt!

22. What should I expect when I get there?

There will be a brief orientation when you arrive. You shower both before you get into the tank and after you finish your session. You are in total control of your experience – from whether you choose particular music or to float silently, float with the tanks lights on or off, or float with the door open or closed. Other than that, we put no expectations on you so that you can make the experience uniquely your own.

23. Can I float if I’m pregnant?

YES! Many pregnant women love floating because while they’re in the tank, there is a relief from the pull of gravity that normally increases with pregnancy. Women in late pregnancy prefer to float on their stomachs with their chin resting on their hands since they cannot lie this way in bed. Check with your doctor or midwife if in doubt.

24. Will floating help me with my aches and pains?

Yes. Floating causes the body to release endorphins, (the body’s own painkiller), in particular the beta-endorphin. Although it is recommended that you float routinely, clients experience pain relief after only the first session. Effects are almost always last weeks after the session is over.

25. Is there anything I have to learn to prepare to float – like taking a class or learning how to float?

No. Unlike yoga or meditation, floating does not require you to become proficient at any particular skills or to practice anything.

26. Is it safe?

Absolutely. Floating has been widely used since the 1960’s and is in use in float centers, spas, health clubs, upscale hotels, pain relief centers, athletic and educational facilities worldwide. We operate in the highest standards of hygiene and safety.

27. What if I fall asleep?

It is perfectly safe to fall asleep. If you try to turn over in the tank, the salt water will awaken you immediately. Some floaters report falling asleep in the tank while others report being in a twilight state – sort of like the half awake state of someone who has just pressed the snooze alarm. We let you know when your session is over, so there is no need to try to keep track of time during your session. Feel free to do whatever it is that your body wants to – let go.

28. What is Epsom Salt and why is it used?

Epsom Salt is Magnesium Sulphate. It is used in floatation tanks so that you can float effortlessly and enjoy the many wonderful ant-gravity effects. It is very different from sea salt or table salt which is mainly Sodium Chloride. When magnesium sulfate is absorbed through the skin it draws toxins from the body, sedates the nervous system, reduces swelling, and relaxes muscles. Epsom salt is a natural skin emollient and skin exfoliator. In a float tank filled with Epsom salts, there’s no “prune skin” effect that you get when you lie in the bathtub for a long time. It is also found naturally in many spa waters.

29. Is there a typical float tank user?

People of all ages and all walks of life seem to enjoy the experience and health benefits equally, though they may use it to accomplish different goals. Persons with aches and pains float for relief. Athletes float to strengthen their mental edge and to relax tight muscles. Persons who tend to have swollen or tired feet from standing all day, float to reduce swelling and restore.

30. How often should someone float?

Regulars seem to enjoy floating 1-2 times weekly. Most people get a sense of what floating can do for them after 2-3 float sessions. Those who see the potential the first time want to return again and again.